Free online HTML Color Picker 🎨

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Color from Image

Color Shades

Percentage Color Hex Code

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Color Picker tool

In the vibrant world of design, selecting the perfect color is a crucial aspect that can significantly impact the overall aesthetic and user experience. Our color picker tool is here to simplify this process, offering a user-friendly solution to effortlessly discover and implement the ideal hues for your projects.


1. How does the Color Picker Tool work?

The way our color picker tool works is simple: select the color you want to use from the palette, click the color code you want to copy below, and you're good to go!

2. What formats does the Color Picker Tool support?

The tool supports a variety of color formats, HEX, RGB, HSL, RGBA, HSLA.

3. Can this Color Picker Tool be used for web design?

Absolutely. Web designers love our tool because its easy to use and accurate . You can use the colors with HTML and css

4. Can i use this color picker on mobile?

Absolutely. The tool is completely mobile friendly so you can work on the go.

5. What sets this Color Picker Tool apart from others?

Its all about its simplicity and accuracy. The intuitive interface, coupled with support for multiple color formats, makes it a go-to tool for your color picking needs. Another important feature, is the support for opacity picking as well as the otomated suggestion of different shades

6. Is the Color Picker free?

Yes, our color picker is completely free to use.

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